O365 SharePoint Suitenav: Add custom button

Today I want to show you, how you could add custom button to the right side of top Office 365 SharePoint SuiteNav / SuiteBar like in an image above.

For this suitenav we don’t have any official way in SharePoint 2016 like we have at SharePoint 2013 with SuiteLinks Delegate Controls.
Officially you could add only custom tiles on your App Launcher to the left side of SuiteNav named App Launcher Tiles – but only with SharePoint 2016 Feature Pack 1.

So we have to go in own way. I want to share with you how I have done this with JavaScript and a lil’bit hacking.
Just for information -> suitenav links are officially created with JavaScipt too.

Continue reading “O365 SharePoint Suitenav: Add custom button”

Notification Center inside of SharePoint On-Prem

Sometimes my activities information on mysites are not as important for me because I know what I did on SharePoint portal in past few days.

Instead of that I need Notification Center functionality on SharePoint as we have it on any other social portals like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
I need in-time information about who wrote comment to my article, my video, my gallery etc.

So I made this functionality available for SharePoint On-Prem few weeks ago and in article below you could find in which way I made this.

Continue reading “Notification Center inside of SharePoint On-Prem”

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